How does one explain the beauty of Arthur Darvill aka Rory Williams? It isn’t easy because my “crush” on Rory Arthur is kinda weird. He isn’t traditionally handsome. In fact, at times, he’s kind of funny looking. When I first saw him, in Matt Smith’s first episode of Doctor Who “The Eleventh Hour‘, I don’t recall that he made much of an impression.


However, as the character of Rory Williams became more complicated and interesting, I started to think he was kind of cute. And then this happened –

And I was in love! Well not “love” love. I “love” love my husband and kids. And I haven’t actually met Arthur Darvill. Also I’m fully aware that the actor Arthur Darvill was just reading the character Rory William’s lines but still…..

Anyway, Rory quickly became one of my favorite Doctor Who characters and when he & Amy died – oh my god!

Next I learn that Arthur Darvill, the actor, can sing! And play guitar! What?!?!?

First there is this – from “Once the Musical”.

Suddenly my “love” for the character Rory was morphing into a huge ole crush on the actor Arthur.
And then this happened:

Arthur Darvill was also in Broadchurch with Tenth Doctor David Tennant and Olivia Colman. It. Was. Awesome!
He was also in The White Queen as Henry Stafford. Not a good luck for our boy though.

And I then found this:

And here’s more:

And this:

And I’ll just leave these here…..

So if you don’t get it by now, well I don’t know what else to say. Adios! I’m off to watch some Doctor Who.

Almost forgot to mention that you can find him on Twitter as @RattyBurvill and his profile lists him as “walker, talker, faller, getter back upper againer”. Now isn’t that just too cute for words?